[BUG] LFO randomly not working

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[BUG] LFO randomly not working

Post by uHu »


1.) The LFO on/off switch does not seem to be saved with a project/preset.

Also sometimes the LED goes OFF, when I save in FLStudio, while the effect stays on.
However I somehow also already managed to save a project, where the status LED loads "on", but the LFO is still not turned on then.
Sometimes I need to switch it on-off-on to get it working.

2.) Even when it's on, it's only working sporadically.
It's "on" on some notes but "off" on others. It's completely random.

I attached an flp, which easily shows the problem.
Genny LFO Bug.zip
(230.89 KiB) Downloaded 546 times
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