V1.16 Changelog:
-Sample playback reverted to 11025khz until issues can be worked out!
V1.15 Changelog:
-Fixed UI errors related to AMS and FMS moving to be grouped with Algorithm
-Added number UI for all knobs (window got taller, known bug in FL11 is that it saves window size for some god forsaken reason so
opening old projects with FL 11 results in the bottom of the window being cut off a little. Though it's still usable.)
-Samples now playback at 22050khz, unless Mega Midi is enabled. Mega Midi still plays samples at 11025khz due to bandwidth issues.
-PSG pitch should now work correctly for exported VGMs (woohooo)
-Fixed bug where GEN files where saving with wrong version number, causing new instrument exports to be corrupt (thanks BRTD2005!)
-DAC sample velocity value is no longer rooted, making DAC sample volumes more consistent (make sure you update your drum velocities in older projects!)
-Reversed order of a few Envelope knobs to be more intuitive.
Genny V1.16 Both Versions
Genny V1.16 FL Version
Genny V1.16 VST Version
A Few Demos:
PDF Documentation:
MEGA MIDI Firmware:
After years of development, multiple versions, some extremely bad C++ code and a parade of heap corruption it's finally here: GENNY!

So what?
Well, GENNY is a Virtual Instrument that emulates the Sega Genesis'/Megadrive's YM2612 and SN76489 chips. It allows you to create Sega Genesis style FM
music in your favorite DAW, and it will allow you to use almost the full capabilities of the two chips.
It's designed to essentially function as it's own music production DAW tailored to making music for Genesis hardware. You can add up to 16 different instruments within
one instance of the plugin, each assigned to it's own MIDI channel and FM/Square channels on the chips. This way, you can create songs that stay within the original
platform's limitations and that would actually play on the real hardware. In fact, you can even export VGM files for playing on actual hardware (Though they're a bit bulky right now)!
It supports importing various YM2612 instrument formats, and exports it's own special format that supports including drum samples. You can import micro tuning files too!

Who did this?
Well, I did! But I couldn't have done it without help from some very kind, patient, and important people:
hiro-shi / Jarek Burczynski / Eke-Eke - Wrote Genesis Plus GX 2612 implementation which I use.
The Eighth Bit - Created The Ultimate Megadrive Soundfont, which I use a lot and which helped inspire this VST.
Sam - Created VOPM, an excellent YM2151 plugin that also helped inspire me.
Yamaha - For creating the YM chips and popularizing FM Synthesis in the first place. (shoutout to John Chowning)
spritesmind.net - An awesome Mega Drive / etc development forum filled with incredibly helpful people.
Tiido Priimägi - was very patient with my lack of knowledge and was my go-to guy for YM2612 questions.
Mixer P - For making Mixer's Mega Genesis Drum Pack which is just the best thing.
Shout out to Aly James for FMDrive, we happened to independently develop seperate YM2612 VST's at the same time.
He was kind enough to reach out to me, and he helped out with a number of chip related questions that helped me to finish GENNY.
Howard Drossin, John Baker, Tommy Tallarico, Matt Furniss, Masato Nakamura,
Masaru Setsumaru, Yuzo Koshiro, Jredd, Yuzo Koshiro, Yuzo Koshiro etc -
made awesome Genesis music, are awesome composers, and are all around major influences on my life.
Oh! Where can I get it?
Right here! It's version 1.1 now, there are bound to be some issues with it so please bare with me. If you run into any problems, please post about them
in the support forums: https://www.wonthelp.info/genny/viewforum.php?f=3
There are two versions: VST and FL. Both are available in both x86 and x64 versions!
The VST version should work in pretty much any DAW, you need only drag it into your respective VST folders.
The FL version is only for use with FL Studio, but as the star of the show it supports Piano Roll note bending, and FL Studio Automation.
One more secret hint before we get to the download- the plugin actually supports Piano Roll Vibrato for both versions! Any notes placed in the C8(96) octave or higher
will affect lower notes as Vibrato. The velocity of the special notes determines the depth of the Vibrato, and the pitch determines the multiplication factor (speed). Please try it!
Note that only 44100khz sample rate is supported at this time, other sample rates will detune the instrument so beware!
Finally, here are the files:
Genny V1.16 Both Versions
Genny V1.16 FL Version
Genny V1.16 VST Version
LEGACY VERSION 1.15 -> https://www.wonthelp.info/genny_allv115.zip
LEGACY VERSION 1.14 -> https://www.wonthelp.info/genny_allv114.zip
LEGACY VERSION 1.13 -> https://www.wonthelp.info/genny_allv113.zip
LEGACY VERSION 1.12 -> https://www.wonthelp.info/genny_allv112.zip
LEGACY VERSION 1.11 -> https://www.wonthelp.info/genny_allv111.zip
LEGACY VERSION 1.1 -> https://www.wonthelp.info/genny_allv11.zip
LEGACY VERSION 1.0 -> https://www.wonthelp.info/genny_allv10_old.zip
V1.14 Changelog:
-Fixed bug that prevented loading of TYI,VGI, etc (sorry!)
-Fixed bugs in automatic channel selection for polyphonic patches
-Fixed bug where drumless VGMs would still import a drum track that would crash the plugin
-Fixed text alignment for item names in presets/instrument list
-Fixed LFO functionality (global LFO enable/amplitude is now a global patch-independent setting as it should be)
-Swapped operators 2 and 3, as they where backwards (Thanks Plygon!)
V1.13 Changelog:
-Fixed bug where VST version could not log VGMs
-Fixed VGM DAC export errors
-Fixed VGM export tuning
-Drum instruments now remember their sample beginnings/endings and whether or not they loop
-Fixed drum note labels
-Fixed VST pitch bending to work on all 16 channels
-VGM Logging now uses the lowest 2 notes instead of the highest 2.
-Removed import/export support for old DAC formats, since they wouldn't work anyway. Drums are now imported and exported using normal GennyInstrument.gen export
-All imported drums are now down sampled to 11025hz, since that's what GENNY was playing them at anyway. If you don't want to lose quality on import, convert your samples to 11025hz before importing.
V1.12 Changelog:
-Some optimizations
-Fixed pitch bending automation in FL
V1.11 Changelog:
-Improved channel management to reduce accidental note cut-offs when working within channel limits
-Fixed serious issue with instruments attack envelopes 'clicking' at high velocities
-Removed stray pixel on Alg 8
-Fixed bugs with copy-pasting patches, you can now copy paste drum patches
-Velocity calculation is now more accurate, this and the clicking fix unfortunately means existing project velocity values may need adjustment.
-Fixed display bugs with instrument list channel indicators
V 1.1 Changelog:
-Fixed some automation related crashes
-Fixed DAC panning
-Added MIDI pitch bend functionality in VST version
-New MEGA MIDI hardware mode, allowing the synth to interface with Aidan Lawrence' MEGA MIDI hardware!
-New CLEAN and ACCURATE emulation modes. ACCURATE is, well, more accurate but it's also more noisy.
-VGM Import! Import Bank can now import VGM/VGZ files and pull presets out of them, including limited support for drum samples.
How can I pay you for this?
GENNY is absolutely free and it always will be. It's a passion project and it was made as much for myself as it was for anyone else. Please feel free to use it however you want- upload it to
your website, send it out on floppy disks, decompile it and replace the logo with phallus. Treat GENNY like it's yours, cause it is!